Early Learning and Preparing for school
Starting Kindergarten is an exciting time for all the family! Whether it is your first or last child moving into primary school, all children are different. Plus there is always something new happening in education so we have gathered some tips and resources to assist you in being involved and engaged in your child's faith, learning and well-being journey.
Some children will be excited to start school and will settle in well, quickly adapt to the school routine and rules and make new friends almost immediately. Other children many experience a few teething problems.
Catholic School Parents Australia has developed some excellent guides that may assist you.
Click here for CSPA for Parents Primary information
Catholic Schools NSW has developed a website Foundations for Learning that has many helpful ideas.
Click here for the CSNSW Early Years website
Enjoy the Journey: Tips for Parents & Families

Label everything that belongs to your child including items they may bring in for show and tell.
Pack a spare pair of underpants, just in case.
Provide the schools with all relevant information about your child, including medical and special needs information, court documents and emergency contact numbers.
Make the school aware of special family circumstances that may impact on your child’s wellbeing and learning – such as the birth of a sibling, divorce or death- so that your child can be supported as needed.
Develop a relationship with your school. Become familiar with school routines and activities. Read the newsletters and other school communications.
If parents and caregivers are positive towards school your child will most likely follow your example.
Engage in your child’s learning, by asking them about what did at school.
Establish a daily routine – set up a time for meals, talking, exercise and just “doing nothing” time.
Starting school is tiring for everyone.
Enjoy the lifelong learning journey.
NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) is responsible for developing the education syllabus. Maths and English make up about 50 per cent of the school week. A child in K-6 typically spends 80 per cent of their time learning from the NSW syllabus with school determining what activities make up the remaining 20 per cent of time.
Click here for more information
To assist you understand what your child will be learning during Primary School, NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) has developed the Parent Guide to NSW Primary Syllabuses.
Click here for more information
If you have any questions contact your school.